Anti-Lynching Mass Meeting.

Type of event: Afterwards

Location: Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Anti-Lynching Mass Meeting.


The Appeal, April 23, 1921, page 3.
“Anti-Lynching Mass Meeting.”

Image text

The Anti-Lynching Mass Meeting.

The Anti-Lynching Mass Meeting held under the auspices of Everywomen Progressive Council at St. James A. M. E. Church, last Sunday afternoon, was all that its promoters could desire, for a larger or more enthusiastic audience has not been seen lately. At considerable sacrifice the pastors of the Twin Cities’ churches called off their services and were present at this meeting.
Mrs. W. T. Francis, president of the Council and conceiver of the bill, presided and made copious remarks.
Atty. W. T. Frances, framer of the bill, spoke and gave special, lynching data. Excellent speeches were made by Hons. Theodore Christianson and George Nordlin, members of the legislature. Hon. D. W. Lawler, exmayor of St. Paul; Revs. H. L. P. Jones, T. B. Stovall and T. J. Carr, Resolutions by Mesdames E. O. Jones and Horace Henderson, complimentary to Mrs. Francis were presented.
Excellent music was furnished by the Junior Choir, under the direction of Mme. L. A. Crafton.
“Oh, Light Eternal” was sung by Dr. Lillian Lewis, with its author, Prof. W. A. Weir as accompanist.
The bill was passed last Thursday, and in addition to Representatives George Nordlin, T. Christianson and J. I. Levin, already mentioned, the following senators sponsored the bill: Senators Geo. W. Sullivan, James Cumming, Chas. W. Gillam, Jas. A. Carley, W. A. Nolan, O. Sageng, A. O. Devold and Arch. Coleman, rendering valuable service.