Advocate for History
Speak up for history! Contact your legislators and let them know why history matters to you.
History matters
The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) collects, preserves, and shares Minnesotans’ stories so they may be known and remembered. With the continued support of the State of Minnesota, through our elected leaders, we are able to share history with people across the state.
Let your legislators know why history matters to you and how their support of history has made a difference in your community.
As of May 2024, the state legislature has not passed a bonding bill. Please continue to talk to your legislators about the importance of funding the state’s capital investment needs. Funds from the Capital Budget go toward the maintenance of MNHS’ statewide network of facilities. Keeping these facilities in the best possible condition allows us to share Minnesota history with visitors from across the state, country, and world.
Take action for history
In a few clicks you can easily email your elected leaders to help preserve the past!
Ask state leaders to fund historic sites asset preservation
Ask Governor Walz and your state legislators to support funding for historic sites asset preservation.
Ask state leaders to fund facilities improvements
Ask Governor Walz and your state legislators to preserve access to history by supporting funding for design for MNHS facilities improvements for collections care and visitor experience.
Ask state leaders to fund historic preservation
Ask Governor Walz and your state legislators to support funding for county and local historic preservation grants.
Whenever you speak up for history, you’re making a difference. Effective ways to speak up:
- Send a message to your state representative, senator, and the governor
- Have a Zoom or in-person meeting with your legislator
- Write a personal letter to your legislator
- Call your legislator
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
- Tell your friends and colleagues
- Use social media to spread the word about the importance of history
Preserving the past for future generations
Learn more about history organizations that carry out the work of preserving Minnesota's legacy. Read the 2024 MNHS Legacy Report.
These partner organizations work to preserve Minnesota’s history:
- Minnesota Genealogical Society
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Minnesota History Advocates for Research
- Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office