Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Letter from Charles E. Vasaly to C. G. Durgin, January 19, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: C. G. Durgin

Addressor: Charles E. Vasaly


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Letter from Charles E. Vasaly to C. G. Durgin, January 19, 1921.

Image text

5148 Hammerberg
January 19, 1921

Mr. C. G. Durgin, Secretary,
The Associated Charities of Duluth,
Court House
Duluth, Minn.

Dear Mr. Durgin:

We are obliged to you for you prompt report of January 17th., on Carl Hammerberg. It would seem that under the circumstances some aid ought to be extended. You can have a budget prepared with their needs. It might be possible to see whether St. Louis County can give any assistance and I will take the matter up with the Board of Control and see what might be done to assist.

Very truly yours,

cev*er Superintendent.