Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Letter from D. H. Knickerbacker to C. J. Johnson, June 5, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: C. J. Johnson

Addressor: D. H. Knickerbacker


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Letter from D. H. Knickerbacker to C. J. Johnson, June 5, 1922.

Image text

5148-Hammerberg June 5, 1922

Mr. C. J. Johnson,
Box 36
Sax, Minnesota.

Dear Sir:

Your nephew, Carl Hammerberg, our No. 5148, was granted a parole at a meeting of the Board of Parole held here on June 1st. In an interview with him he informs me that he thinks you may give him employment on your farm.

Men on parole from the Minnesota State Reformatory are governed by the following rules:

They are not permitted to use intoxicating liquor in any form.
They are not permitted to leave or change their places of
employment without written permission from the Superintendent of
from this office.
They are required to make two reports on the twentieth of each
month, one to the Superintendent and one to the State Agent, State

Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. Blanks for this purpose are furnished by the Institution.

The employer is expected to sign these reports and to report at

once any misconduct on the part of the young man, using the wire at our expense should it be deemed necessary.

Men are kept on parole at least one year before they are eligible to

make application for discharge from parole.

In every case where a paroled man is employed by a relative it is also required that someone outside the family sign the monthly reports, in addition to the signature of the employer. If you are willing to employ Hammerberg, please write me, and also have the postmaster at Sax or some business man write me stating that he is willing to sign the reports.

As soon as I hear from you and from the man who will sign the reports I will arrange for you nephew to report for work.

Very truly yours.

d- State Parole Agent