Carl John Alfred Hammerberg. Case No. 5148. Letter from Ralph E. Burdick to Charles E. Vasaly, February 23, 1923.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Charles E. Vasaly

Addressor: Ralph E. Burdick


Minnesota State Reformatory for Men [St. Cloud State Reformatory].
Carl John Alfred Hammerberg: Case No. 5148.
Inmate Case Files.
Letter from Ralph E. Burdick to Charles E. Vasaly, February 23, 1923.

Image text


GALEN E. BUSH February 23, 1923.

Mr. Charles Vasalay (sic),
Superintendent of Reformatory,
St. Cloud, Minn.
Re: Carl Hammerberg Your #5148
Dear Sir:
The writer is very much interested in the above party and his present status. Your records will disclose that he was committed to your Institution in January, 1921, after being found guilty of the crime of riot in the District Court of St. Louis County which was the result of an affray which took place within our city some months previous to that time.

We assume and have been advised that you are generally familiar with the conditions surrounding all of those who are or have been within you Institution and that the above party was paroled from you Institution about June 30th 1922, and is still on parole.

From the information which we have it is apparent to us that Carl had a good record while he was in the custody of this Institution and that since that time his records and reports have been of a satisfactory nature. Immediately after his parole he was employed by Captain H. H. Thompson of this city for a period of three months and was then transferred to employment with the Minnesota Steel Company and believe that he was employed by Mr. Harry Hutter who has general charge of all employees for that company.

From the information which we have we believe that the young man has lived up to the requirements of your Institution as to respect of those on parole and also believe that should he make application to you for a final discharge that he would be entitled to favorable consideration.

We are therefore writing you at this time on this subject asking you advice as to what you have to suggest in this with reference to an application being made for an absolute discharge.

As to local circumstances a good man of us feel that Carl with one or two other boys was the victim of circumstances and we also feel and no form talking with him that he has been taught a valuable lesson and believe that in the future he will be more careful in selecting the company which he keeps.

One of the reasons which Carl has for applying for a final discharge at this time is that he has an opportunity to go to North Dakota to be employed upon a farm this spring but as you will know, so long as he is subject to your jurisdiction he can do nothing of that kind and for that reason would thank you to advise us in the premises and if you would entertain an application for a absolute discharge we would be pleased to hav eyou forward us the necessary forms which you may have for that purpose.

Very truly yours,
REB/SCM R. E. Burdick