Duluth Mob Lynches Three Negroes, Frees Three; 5,000 Stormed Jail After Attack on White Girl.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Duluth; St. Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Duluth Mob Lynches Three Negroes, Frees Three; 5,000 Stormed Jail After Attack on White Girl.


New York Times, June 16, 1920, page 1.
“Duluth Mob Lynches Three Negroes, Frees Three; 5,000 Stormed Jail After Attack on
White Girl”

Image text

Duluth Mob Lynches Three Negroes, Frees Three; 5,000 Stormed

Jail After Attack on White Girl

DULUTH, Minn., June 15–Three Negroes were lynched here tonight by a mob estimated at 5,00 persons, which overpower the police, took possession of Police Headquarters and seized the Negroes, who were held in connection with an attack on a young white girl . Six Negroes in all were seized, but the mob held “court” and acquitted three of the suspects.
The first Negro hanged was taken about two blocks from the police station to the corner of First Street and Second Avenue, East, where a rope throws over a telephone pole. As he was pulled into the air the rope broke and he tumbled to the ground. He was held until another rope was procured, and the hanging proceeded.
Not a shot was fired in the attack on the Police Station, the members of the mob using bricks and other missiles, and to the final stages of the first streams of water from a fire hose taken from the police themselves.
At midnight the mob still surrounded the Police Station, but there was no indication of further trouble. The police believed the mob would disperse in a few hours without other disorder.
The attack on the girl is alleged to have occurred last night at the circus grounds here. The Negroes, employed with the circus, were rounded up by the police after the girls story had been told. Four other Negroes, it is said were arrested several miles from here and were being brought to Duluth tonight.
ST. PAUL, MINN. June 15–Two companies of the 6th infantry, Minnesota National Guard, were ordered tonight to proceed at once to Duluth, and a train due to leave here at 1:35 A.M. was held for the assembling of the troops.
In the meantime General Rhinow ordered a company of Home Guards at Duluth mobilized and gave instructions for commandeering of such ammunition and guns as could be obtained, for use in an effort to quell the disturbances.