Duluth News.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Duluth; St. Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Duluth News.


National Advocate, July 3, 1920, page 1.
“Duluth News.”

Image text


Hon. William F. Murnian, Commissioner of Public safety for the city of Duluth, Minn., great port of the Northwest, became a subscriber for the National Advocate.


Hon. O. J. Larson, Attorney, 803-4 Lonsdale Bldg., Duluth, Minn., is the right man in the right place. He is candidate for congress. vote for him and you will make no mistake. The National Advocate.


Hon. Judge Cann of the District Court, the “Law and Order” Judge, believes in justice to all mankind, both black and white, and is candidate for re-election. Keep him on the bench, he is a good judge, and knows no color line. The National Advocate.


The lecture at Axa Hall on Tuesday night, June 29th, was a great success. The committee on arrangements deserves a great deal of credit for the delightful program and the forceful lecture given by Dr. W. Justin Waytes, of Guthrie, Ky. Read the National Advocate for refined news of importance concerning the race.


Hon. R. C. McCullough, Atty. at law, is located in the Columbia Bldg. and strangers coming into the city would do well to get acquainted with this young man. He has a beautiful family. He is polite and courteous and will make it very pleasant. We are pleased to add his name as a subscriber for the National Advocate.


Editor Montgomery just returned from Duluth, Minn., where he has been making investigations concerning the lynching of the three colored men. So far there have been six of the guilty parties indicted by the Grand Jury, and I think that the County officials will do their part in bringing back these law breakers to justice.


Mr. J. Harry Harris, attorney at law, who has a suite at 222 Manhattan Bldg., better known as Judge Harris, is doing all the good he possibly can in behalf of our people. He is in his office both night and day using his time and influence to protect the colored citizens there. The editor is under many obligations to the Judge for his kindness and courtesies he showed him while in the city. The above gentleman is a graduate from the Howard University of Washington, D. C., and is the leader of our race. We wish him success in his law practice. He is also a subscriber to the National Advocate.


The Doric Lodge No. R, A. F. & M., held their annual sermon Sunday evening, May 27th, at St. Mark’s A. M. E. Church. The ladies of the eastern Star were in attendance. The sermon was preached by Dr. W. Justin Waytes of Guthrie, Ky., and one of the most eloquent sermons ever heard in our city. The Masonic fraternity is to be congratulated upon calling a speaker from such a distance to address the order. A large and appreciative audience was present. Mrs. Minnie Adams of the city and Mrs. May Mason of the St. Paul sang during the program of the evening. The National Advocate will be on sale at the St. Marks A. M. E. Church each Sunday.


We present to our many friends and reader in Duluth, Minn., Walter H. Borgen, County Auditor of St. Louis County, when interviewed regarding the horrible action taken by the mob at the recent lynching in Duluth, expressed himself emphatically as being against any and all forms of mob rule, and condemned the action taken in Duluth, as being a stain on the City, and an action that will tend to undermine the very principles of citizenship, unless definite steps are taken to punish the leaders and bring them to a speedy justice. The editor and publisher of the National Advocate advises our colored citizens to keep such a Christian gentleman in office. We are under obligations to this gentleman for courtesies he showed us while in his office.


Dr. M. W. Judy, 276 ½ 3rd Ave. East and office at 101 1st Ave. East, is doing a thriving business, and is considered one of the best laboratory workers in the state. The editor had the honor of being entertained at a twelve o’clock dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Judy at their home. The doctor is doing all he possibly can to see that these law breakers are punished for the outrages that they committed on three colored men on Tuesday night, June 15th. He also was one of the prime workers, who went to the county and city officials and used his influence in preventing the sale and distribution of these dirty, filthy pictures. He also is doing all he possibly can to see that our citizens are getting the right protection. The doctor is one of the supporters of our paper for the last six years, and we wish him success while in Duluth.