Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Application No. 5151. Letter from Clerk of the Pardon Board to W. G. Smith, March 28, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: W. G. Smith

Addressor: Clerk of the Pardon Board


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Application No. 5151.
Pardon Application. File no. 5151, 1921
Letter from Clerk of the Pardon Board to W. G. Smith, March 28, 1921.

Image text

March 28, 1921.

Mr. W. G. Smith,

231 – 96th Ave. W.,
New Duluth, Minnesota.

Dear Sir:
I have your letter of the twenty-third recommending clemency in the mater of Gilbert H. Stephenson.
Mr. Stephenson cannot be heard by the Board of Pardons unless he or his representatives make a formal application. Up to the present time this has not been done. Should this matter come up for action, the facts stated in you letter will receive the earnest consideration of the Board.

Very truly yours,

Clerk of the Pardon Board