Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Application No. 5151. Letter from Leonidas Merritt to J. A. O. Preus, February 25, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: J. A. O. Preus

Addressor: Leonidas Merritt


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Application No. 5151.
Pardon Application. File no. 5151, 1921
Letter from Leonidas Merritt to J. A. O. Preus, February 25, 1921.

Image text

Duluth, Minn., Feb. 25, 1921.

Governor I A. O. Preus (sic),
Capitol Building
St. Paul, Minn.

Dear Governor:
Wishing now to call your particular attention to a letter of even date addressed to the Honorable Board of Pardons in behalf of Mr. Gilbert H. Stephanson (sic) who was, to say the most, only one of the unfortunate victims of an equally culpable mob who raided the city lockup June last and hung three negroes under arrest for a statuary crime.
Thanking you in advance for you kind attention, I beg to remain

Yours truly,

Leonidas Merritt