Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Application No. 5151. Letter from Secretary of the Pardon Board to John B. Richards, August 3, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Secretary of the Pardon Board

Addressor: John B. Richards


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Application No. 5151.
Pardon Application. File no. 5151, 1921
Letter from Secretary of the Pardon Board to John B. Richards, August 3, 1921.

Image text

August 3, 1921.

Pardon File #5151

Mr. John B. Richards,
514 First National Bank Bldg.
Duluth, Minnesota.

My dear Sir:
In communication addressed to the Board of Pardons in behalf of Gilbert Stephenson, came duly to hand. Thank you very much for the same.
The Board of Pardons heard Mr. Stephenson’s application and also interviewed him while at the Prison, however, did not see fit to grant him his release.
Very truly yours,
