Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Case No. 6598. Letter from Gilbert Henry Stephenson to J. J. Sullivan, June 4, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: J. J. Sullivan

Addressor: Gilbert Henry Stephenson


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Case No. 6598.
Case Files.
Letter from Gilbert Henry Stephenson to J. J. Sullivan, June 4, 1922.

Image text

Duluth, Minn
June 4th, 1922
Mr. J. J. Sullivan

Dear Sir I have mad application to the Duluth Street Railway Co. as moterman (sic) and am asking your permition (sic) to change when the time comes as I am looking fore (sic) the best place fore (sic) the year around job and then there is more money in that.
Yours very truly
Gilbert H. Stephenson