Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Case No. 6598. Monthly Parole Report. May 19, 1922.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Gov't Record(s)

Document subtype: Monthly Parole Report

Documents: Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Case No. 6598. Monthly Parole Report. May 19, 1922.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Case No. 6598.
Case Files.
Monthly Parole Report, May 19, 1922.

Image text


Of Gilbert H. Stephenson Register No. 6598
Duluth Minn 911 Lundon (sic) Road

To J. J. Sullivan, Warden, Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, Minnesota.
1. By whom have you been employed the last month? (Give name and address)
Geo H Lounsberry 322 ½ E Sup st
2. At what kind of work? Ans. Labor
3. How many days have you worked? Ans. (Give number of days) 24
4. What have been your wages per day or month? Ans. 14 days at 3.00 pr day 10 days at 3.50 pr day
5. Cash on hand and due me at date of last report, - $ 39.50
6. Give total earning for month, - - - - - - - - $ 77.00 Total, $ 77.00
7. Expenditures—
Board, $ 41.77 ; Clothing, $ 11.65 ; Incidentals, $ 11.11 , - Total, $ 64.53
8. Cash on hand, $ 12.20 ; Due me, $ 35.00 ; - - Total, $ 47.20
9. If you have been idle during any portion of the month state why. Ans. 2 wet weather and sickness
10. Are you satisfied with your present employment, if not, why not? Ans. yes
11. Where do you spend your evenings? Ans. at Home
12. Do you attend church? Ans. No
13. Have you used tobacco? Ans. yes
14. Have you used intoxicating liquors? Ans. no
15. State what books, papers or magazines you have read. Ans. Herald
16. Have you attended any public meetings, dances, picnics or parties during the month, if so, where and when?
Ans. no
17. State in a general way, your surroundings and prospects. Ans. Good
18. Have you had any trouble or misunderstanding with anyone? If so, state full particulars.
Ans. Yes I wrote to Mr J J Sullivan in regards to the matter
Dated at Duluth , Minn.,
this 19th day of May 1922 Signed Gilbert H Stephenson
Statement of employer: I have read above
statements of paroled prisoner and certify that, to the
best of my knowledge, they are true. Countersigned Geo H Lounsberry

This report must be mailed promptly on the 20th of each month, to F. A. Whittier, State Agent, Stillwater.
Send copy to H. B. Whittier, State Agent, Room 29, The Capitol, St. Paul Minnesota