House File No. 785.

Type of event: Afterwards

Location: Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Publication(s)

Document subtype: Session Laws of the State of Minnesota

Documents: House File No. 785.


Session Laws of the State of Minnesota.
Passed During the Forty-Second Session of the State Legislature, Commencing January 4, 1921.
Chapter 401—H. F. No. 785, page 612.

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CHAPTER 401—H. F. No. 785.

An act to prevent lynching; to fix indemnity for the dependents of any person lynched, and to provide for the removal from office of the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriffs having charge of any person lynched.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:
Section 1. Lynching defined.—Lynching is the killing of a human being, by the act or procurement of a mob.
Sec. 2. Damages may be recovered.—Whenever any person shall be lynched, the county in which said lynching occurred shall be liable in damages to the dependents of the person lynched in a sum not exceeding seven thousand five hundred dollars to be recovered in a civil action.
Sec. 3. Officers guilty of malfeasance in certain cases.—Any Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff or other officer having the custody of any person whom it is sought by a mob to take from his custody who shall fail or neglect to use all lawful means to resist such taking, shall be deemed guilty of malfeasance and shall be removed from office by the Governor in the manner and upon the same procedure as is provided by law for the removal from office of County Officers guilty of malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of their official duties.
Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 20, 1921.