Isaac McGhie. No. 7429. June 30, 1920.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Saint Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Gov't Record(s)

Document subtype: Coroner's Certificate

Documents: Isaac McGhie. No. 7429. June 30, 1920.


Minnesota. District Court (Saint Louis County)
No. 7429, June 30, 1920.
Coroner’s Certificates.
Isaac McGhie.

Image text


State of Minnesota,
County of St. Louis

Eleventh Judicial District.

In the Matter of Viewing the Remains of
Isaac Maghie (colored)

Coroner’s Certificate

______ o’clock ______M.

July 12, 1920
J.P. Johnson, Clk. Dist. Court;
By M.M. Kruse, Deputy.

Filed the day

of A. D. 192

Clerk District Court.



State of Minnesota, DISTRICT COURT,

County of St. Louis. 11th Judicial District.

In the Matter of Viewing the Remains of Isaac Maghie, (Colored) Deceased I, C.F. McComb, M.D. Coroner of St. Louis County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that on the 16th day of June A.D. 1920, I was called to view the remains of said deceased. That after viewing said remains, and after examination of the matter, I came to the conclusion that the said deceased came to his death by Homicide intentional: Deceased was hung to light pole by uncontrollable mob, at 2nd Avenue East & First Street, Duluth, June 15, 1920. and deemed an inquest unnecessary, hence none was held

Dated June 30, A.D. 1920

C.F. McComb, M.D.
Coroner of St. Louis Co., Minnesota.