Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Letter from Louis Dondino to Frank A. Whittier, March 14, 1923.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Stillwater; Washington County; Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Frank A. Whittier

Addressor: Louis Dondino

Document date:

Document type: Correspondence

Documents: Louis Dondino. Case No. 6614. Letter from Louis Dondino to Frank A. Whittier, March 14, 1923.


Minnesota State Prison (Stillwater, Minn.) [Stillwater State Prison].
Louis Dondino: Case No. 6614.
Case Files. 1921-1923.
Letter from Louis Dondino to Frank A. Whittier, March 14, 1923.

Image text

Duluth, Minn.
March the 14 1923

Dear Mr. Whittier
I just received you letter with check and sure glad to to here (sic) that the board have gave me a discharge and I want to thank you all for the same. I want forget what you have done for me and any time you happen in Duluth I will be glad to have you call on me I am as ever your friend.
Louis Dondino
2604 W 3rd St.