Max Mason. Application No. 6205. Letter from the State Board of Pardons to L. S. Nelson, April 12, 1924.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: L. S. Nelson

Addressor: State Board of Pardons


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Max Mason: Application No. 6205.
Pardon Applications.
File nos. 6205, 1922-1924.
Letter from the State Board of Pardons to L. S. Nelson, April 12, 1924.

Image text

April 12, 1924.

Pardon File #6205

Honorable L. S. Nelson,
Worthington, Minnesota

Dear Sir:

MAX MASON, who was convicted July 30th, 1921, in St. Louis County, of Rape, and sentenced by you to the Prison for 7 – 30 years, has made application to the Board of Pardons for clemency.

The members of the Board would appreciate very much any information you can give them about this case, together with such recommendations as you may wish to make.

Very truly yours,
