Reports Are Made On Duluth Lynching.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Duluth; St. Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: Reports Are Made On Duluth Lynching.


The Appeal, July 10, 1920, page 3.
“Reports Are Made On Duluth Lynching”

Image text


At a Meeting of the St. Paul Branch

N. A. A. C. P. at St. James


Responding to the call for a meeting of the St. Paul Branch, N. A. A. C. P., St. James A. M. E. Church was packed to capacity to hear reports from the recent mob murders at Duluth.
Dr. Valdo Turner presided and Atty. J. Louis Ervin, who went to Duluth to investigate, made a lengthy and concise report that was listened to with profound attention.
Atty. W. F. Francis also read the report of a special detective who was sent by the association.
Both reports caused little doubt to be left in the minds of the audience that the lynched men were innocent of the crime for which they were murdered.
It was also established in the minds of the people that no one of the fourteen colored men now in the Duluth jail was guilty.
The audience was asked to contribute something toward defraying the expense already gone to and in a few moments $159.19 was laid upon the table.
Twelve of the men who were members of the mob have been indicted by the special grand jury and have been placed in jail charged with murder in the first degree.
Investigations are still in progress and when the men charged as afore-said are brought to trial their conviction is confidently expected.