These Negroes Had Bad Record in South Bend.

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: St. Cloud; Stearns County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: These Negroes Had Bad Record in South Bend.


St. Cloud Daily Times, June 16, 1920, page 1.
“These Negroes Had Bad Record in South Bend”

Image text

These Negores Had Bad Record in South Bend.

South Bend in., June 16, – Negores employed by the same circus as those who were lynched in Duluth last night, following an attack on a white girl, attempted to assault Helen Penrod of South Bend, when the show was in this city June 7. The assailants of the South Bend girl escaped, being hidden by companions, the police said here today.