West Duluth Girl Victim of Six Negroes [Transcript].

Type of event: Lynchings

Location: Duluth; St. Louis County; Minnesota; United States

Document date:

Document type: Newspaper(s)

Documents: West Duluth Girl Victim of Six Negroes [Transcript].


Duluth Herald, June 15, 1920, page 1, 3.
“West Duluth Girl Victim of Six Negroes” [Transcript].

Image text

West Duluth Girl Victim of Six Negroes

Attacked on Circus Grounds While Watching Loading of Show.

Pistol at Head Keeps Her Escort From Raising on Outery

Three Negroes Under Arrest Confess to Their Part in Crime.

Six Negroes, three of whom have admitted their guilt, are being held at police headquarters here for criminally assaulting a well known West Duluth girl on the circus grounds at about 10 o’clock last night. The girl with her escort were behind the animal tent watching the loading when they were surprised by a number of Negroes, one of whom placed a gun against the head of James Sullivan the escort, 2874 West Wicklow street at the same time pinning his arms behind his back. Two other grabbed the girl who is not over 18 years old and placing a hand over her mouth to stifle her screams, carried her to a clump of bushes near the Missabe tracks and there one after another assaulted her. Her escort was compelled to accompany the Negroes and witness the assault.
When released the girl and her escort were allowed to leave by way of the ravine, some of the Negro party watching to see that they did not return by way of the circus grounds and give a warning.

Girl Weak and Hysterical.

The young woman was in a hysterical condition and very weak and had to be assisted to a street car and her home. Mr. Sullivan acquainted his father with the facts this morning and he in turn called up the girl’s father and they reported the matter to the police.
Immediate steps were taken by the police department to prevent the circus from leaving the city and a strong force was sent to the grounds, arriving there just as the train was about to leave. Every colored man was compelled to line up and close examination of all was made with Mr. Sullivan’s assistance in making an attempt to recognize the ones guilty.

Twelve Taken By Police.

Twelve of the crew were taken to police headquarters and subjected to a rigid examination. After the being “sweated” for some time, three of the Negroes, Nathan Green, Elmer Jackson and Laney Dillians, admitted the charge and were locked up. One of the Negroes, while believe to have been one of the accomplices, stoutly denied his guilt.
Members of the circus management remained in the city to assist the police and will accompany detectives, who will go to Virginia today in an effort

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to apprehend the other three who were implicated.

Both Badly Scared.

According to reports this morning the young woman is ill at her home in a very nervous condition suffering mostly from shock. James Sullivan her escort, stated to The Herald that he was helpless and unable to give any warning and that following the assault he and the young woman were so frightened that they immediately left for home without giving the warning until this morning.
“We weres standing just behind the tent where the animals were kept, watching the crew load the equipment and tear down the ten,” said Sullivan this morning. “Without any warning, several Negroes stepped up behind us, and one of them placed a gun behind my ear and told me to keep still or he would blow my brains out, and at the same time holding my arms behind my back. Another of the Negroes grabbed the girl and one of them placed one of his hands over her mouth to keep her from screaming. They took her to some bushes down in the ravine and made me go also. One of them held me while the others took turns assaulting the girl. There were six of them.

Had to Go Through Ravine.

“Then they told us to go, but not back through the circus grounds, and so we had to go up through the ravine and the deserted street and around until we came to the street car line. We were both so frightened that the only thing we could think of was to get home. I didn’t know what to do I had to go to work at 12 o’clock and did not see my father until this morning when I told him. He called the father of the girl and they notified the police.
“I have tried to recognize the Negroes who committed the crime, but it was dark and they all look alike. I feel sure that I would recognize the voice of the man who held me, but I did not get a glimpse of his face as he kept behind me all the time.”
No effort is being spared by the police to ascertain the identity of the other three who were implicated, and according to Chief of Police John Murphy they hope to have these men before they day is over.