American Masonry Restoration

Company Information

Contact: Mike Hart

7701 East River Road
Fridley, MN 55432

Mobile 612-363-5916
Business 763-502-1400

Specialties: Masons and Masonry Restoration

Notes: American Masonry Restoration offers a wide range of repair and restoration services. If you are a building owner, property manager, general contractor, architect, engineer, developer or in any way associated with a building or structure, we can provide the service that your project deserves. Evaluation, problem solving, preparation of itemized proposals and establishing budgets customized to meet your needs are only the beginning of what we offer. After careful planning, we implement the services needed. Our trained and dedicated craft workers perform these repairs/services with only the most proven methods and materials of the highest quality. We do this in the safest, least disruptive and most cost effective manner possible. Only with these standards can we earn and retain our clients business. Note: commercial and institutional clients only. For residential properties, call for referrals.


Project: Nativity of Our Lord Church
Location: St. Paul, MN

Project: Calhoun Beach Club
Location: Minneapolis, MN