Upper Midwest Archaeology LLP
Company Information
Contact: Fred A. Finney (Principal Investigator)
4334 Blaisdell Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55409
Mobile 217-778-0348
Business 217-778-0348
Year Established: 1997
Specialties: Archaeologists
Notes: We are an archaeology contract firm specializing in Phase I archaeological surveys (both prehistoric and historic archaeology) and historic architectural file review for cell tower projects.
Project: A Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed MINC Cooper Telecommunications Tower
Location: East Bethel, MN
Year: 2014
Project: A Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed 265817 MIN Jawbreaker Telecommunications Tower
Location: Mahtomedi, MN
Year: 2014
Project: A Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed 16656 MIN Palomino Telecommunications Tower
Location: Apple Valley, MN
Year: 2014