Company Information
Contact: Matthew Piscitelli (Project Archaeologist & Digital Media Manager)
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Business 203-687-7725
Year Established: 1993
Specialties: Historians, Website Design & Development, Archivists, Interpretive Planner, Historians, Oral, Archaeologists, Museum Consultants, Photography & Documentation, Collections, Historic Preservation Consultants
Training/Experience: SEARCH's 150+ full-time professionals meet or exceed the qualifications set forth in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for History, Archaeology, and Historic Preservation (36 CFR Part 61). SEARCH has a best-in-industry reputation for rapid response, large-scale and long-term deployments, quality performance, and excellence in project and contract management.
Notes: Over land and under water, SEARCH is an archaeology firm that deploys the full spectrum of cultural heritage services worldwide. SEARCH2O, its maritime program, is at the forefront of historic shipwreck and submerged pre-contact archaeology, paleolandscape reconstruction, and deep-water archaeology. SEARCH’s staff are cultural resource industry leaders, pioneers, and subject matter experts across 44 markets, regions, and research sectors. By integrating science, technology, and creativity, SEARCH harnesses the power of the past to advance the projects, places, and people it serves.